JILL PRICE art projects
jillpricestudios@gmail.com I 705-229-5211 I Canada
UN/making the Archive Adopt a Plant Project
During the second summer of Covid 19 and unsure of the times, my husband and I decided to un/make part of our flower beds in order to make room for a vegetable garden. Extremely torn about digging out the luxuriously soft Lambs Ear along my back fence, I needed to find a way to find them a new home and inturn ensure their survival. Craving human interaction, I decided to stand out on my front lawn and use old works on paper to create boxes that would assist in their migration to other yards in the neighbourhood. Perhaps a little bit wacky for many, for those who were excited to stop and engage with such a suburban oddity, I encouraged their new guardians to pet the Lambs Ear, give them names and share a photo with Instagram once they were safely in the ground. To my surprise, not only did the project help me to unmake piles of excess paper material in my studio, it was worked to unmake the isolating and sterile design of suburbia that is aesthetically dominated by manicured lawns, perfectly shaped shrubs and overly colourful plantings of annuals. For the plants that weren't adopted locally, friends and family graciously accepted to take my lovely Lamps Ear babies for their own gardens. If you would like to host your own ADOPT A PLANT and would like to use my promotional materials, simply send me an email and I will send you the texts for editing and printing. Happy gardening everyone. ..