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So who am I?

At times wondering if there is still time to pursue my love of singing or comedic writing,

I am a wannabe city slicer stuck in suburban hell who has the utmost respect for those

who sustain rural or wilder ecologies.  Able to sleep just about anywhere except beside

my snoring husband, I often dream in colour despite being drawn to all things black and
and think the world would be a better place if humans evolved from trees.  

Particularly interested in how matter matters and minimal expressions
that have the potential to communicate broadly and ethically, I am personally striving to
reduce, simplify and carefully consider what I put into the world.  

I am at my best when:

  • surrounded by plants,

  • sitting on a sunny step with a neighbourhood cat,

  • lounging on a beachside holiday

  • wandering cobblestone streets of Italy,

  • sipping on buttery chardonnays or a chilled Lambrusco,

  • indulging in spicy foods,

  • handed an iced decaf Americano; and 

  • thrifting.    

Things that turn me on:

  • the smell of flannels worn around the campfire,

  • R&B music; and

  • well-dressed, funny, bald men, more specifically Stanley Tucci, Jason Statham,
    and oh yeah, my husband.


I am easily irked by:

  • superficial conversations,

  • blind faith,

  • the overly pervasive service industry greeting, "Hey guys",

  • weak metaphors, and;

  • décor trying to pass itself off as art.                                                         


On a more serious note, I am an interdisciplinary Canadian artist of German, Scottish, Welsh and unknown Ashekenazi descent grateful to be living, working and playing on the traditional territory of the Anishinaabeg people, which include the Odawa, Ojibwe, and Pottawatomi Nations collectively known as the Three Fires Confederacy, in Barrie, Ontario. Recently completing a SSHRC PhD Research Fellowship at Queen's University, I earned a BFA and BEd at Western University and an MFA in Interdisciplinary Art Media and Design at OCAD University in Toronto.  The recipient of a 2016 & 2021 SSHRC national research grants and the 2017 Michael Smith Foreign Study Bursary for research into the ecological, social and psychological shadows of the global textile industry, I was also awarded the 2017 Research and Writing Award for my thesis Land as Archive: A Collection of Seen and Unseen Shadows.  Also a qualified Visual Arts Specialist the Ontario's Teaching Federation, today I continue to explore the histories and agency of materials while investigating UN/making as a creative act. Click here to read more about my UN/making Methodology.

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