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UN/making Definition/s


UN/making, as written here, with a slash between its prefix and its root, is considered an adaptive and generative method that uptakes slow, gentle, collaborative and timely acts of deconstruction or dismantling to create something else of value or use. Also, referring to the UN (United Nations) and their 17 Global Goals for Sustainability, I am working collaboratively to expand the definition of un/making and co-build an UN/making Dictionary so that the word becomes synonymous with repair, restore, resist, refrain, refuse, relinquish and reimagine, this network promotes images, ideas and actions that help to imagine and bring forward ecological aesthetics and equitable, bio-diverse futurities on earth.  

This a word cloud including multiple words that could be considered an act of unmaking so as to help undo harm. Words included are unravel, unblock, unaffect, unthink, unearth, unhook, uncloak, unthink, unpin, unwind, unuse, unpack, untie, unwind, unleash, unmix, unbend, unfurl, uncap, unfold, unscrew, uncover, unclog, unbind, unwed, unchain, unlatch, unmoor, unfollow, unhitch, unmap, unfix...

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